Sunday, January 16, 2011

Never Buy a new Cricut Mat Again!!

Lets face it, Cricut mats aren't cheap - especially if you use your Cricut as much as I do. I found a way to prevent having to buy a new Cricut Mat Ever Again!!! Make your mat brand new in 3 easy steps

You will need Krylon Adhesive Remover and Krylon Easy-Tack - I found both at Michaels on the spray paint row. You can buy both for less than the price of a replacement mat - especially if you have one of those handy 40% off coupons!

1) Use the Krylon Adhesive Remover to get all of the old sticky off your mat - spray LIGHTLY, it will eat the color and grid off of you mat if you're not careful. Do this in a sink so that you can scrub, rinse and repeat until all of the old sticky is off. Don't stress if you don't get it all off, it's OK.

2) Tape around the edges of your mat - the green strip that you don't want to be sticky

3) Spray the mat with the Krylon Easy-Tack, let your newly sticky mat dry for about 5 minutes

Viola! You Have A New Mat :)


  1. I might have to try this :)

  2. It's really easy! Just remember to tape the edges of the board so it's not all sticky!
